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  • HX RESEARCH - Weekly Review

HX RESEARCH - Weekly Review

Week of June 3 - June 7

Hello HX Research Reader,

We hope you enjoyed this last week of our research. Our goal is to give you market insight and actionable ideas to help make you money!

To read more about our story you can read our welcome message here.

This week at HX Research we did a DEEP DIVE into shareholder capital. Hope you got a chance to check out our content, but below is a summary in you case you missed anything…

HX Daily

Monday, June 3

Tuesday, June 4

  • The Dynamics of Shareholder Capital - Part II

    • The Value of Share Buybacks

    • Stock buybacks have been controversial recently but when they are executed well, they can create massive shareholder value. We go through (perhaps) the greatest example ever of this strategy.

 Wednesday, June 5

Thursday, June 6

Friday, June 7

  • A Real-World Investing Approach”

    • Our Conversation with Berna Barshay

    • After our recent conversation with our friend Berna Barshay on the HX Podcast, we share some of her key insights into being a successful investor.

HX Trader

Wednesday, June 5

  • Volume 1, Issue 18 - A Spicy Trading Opportunity

    • We seldom discuss politics at HX Research but occasionally politics can present some great money-making opportunities. We share one of those this week.

  • Profits Booked!

    • We cash in on some quick profits in one of the biggest companies that you most likely have been involved with but have never heard the name.

HX Podcast

Thursday, June 16

Enrique recently discovered a great technical analyst - Frank Cappelleri - who not only does great work but explains it in a clear and actionable way. This is a rarity amongst technical analysts!

Frank and Enrique go through three specific technical buying set-ups and marry his technical analysis with Enrique’s “Quantamental” approach.

Also, on YouTube.

Have a great weekend!


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