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An update from HX Research

Dear HX Reader,
Roughly one year ago, we launched our new independent research firm, HX Research.
Our goal was to use our experience of three decades managing BILLIONS on Wall Street to bring regular folks high-quality insights and ACTIONABLE IDEAS.
We are proud of what we have done this last year and are continuing to evolve to deliver on these goals.
First, we want to emphasize an important announcement we have included in every issue of HX Daily issue this month – HX DAILY IS CLOSING.
Today was the last day for HX Daily.
We will continue to provide FREE content, but we will be moving to a WEEKLY format that will come out on Fridays.
In addition, next week we will be launching our new e-letter, STP Algo Trader.
STP Algo Trader will be the only place on the web where you can get detailed information about signals from our algorithmic trading platform Signal Trader Pro. And it’s free to you as a subscriber to HX Research!
If you would like to continue to receive DAILY content from me (Enrique Abeyta ) – please sign up for my free e-letter Truth & Trends, which is published by Paradigm Press Group.
You can subscribe by clicking on the box below…
We will continue to publish our paid publications at HX Society and have also launched our most exciting product – Signal Trader Pro!
STP is our proprietary trading software platform, where we have taken our thirty years of experience and harnessed the power of ALGORITHIMIC TRADING for ordinary investors. This is the same process used by the largest and most successful hedge funds in the world like Citadel, Millenium and SAC.
This TRADING strategy consistently generates new trading ideas. Over the last five years, the strategy has produced a high success rate (70% positive) and good returns (high single digits) across a short time frame (60 days).
This is the most POWERFUL tool we have ever created in our entire career. We encourage you to check it out here.
We appreciate all of your support for HX Research and look forward to bringing many more MONEY-MAKING ideas!
Plan the Trade, Trade the Plan.
To Making YOU Money,
Enrique Abeyta