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  • HX RESEARCH - Weekly Review

HX RESEARCH - Weekly Review

Week of July 8 - July 12

Hello HX Research Reader,

We hope you enjoyed this last week of our research. Our goal is to give you market insight and actionable ideas to help make you money!

To read more about our story you can read our welcome message here.

We hope you got a chance to check out our content, but below is a summary in you case you missed anything…

HX Daily

Monday, July 8

  • “Party Like it’s 1995”

    • Many investors don’t think the Federal Reserve will cut rates with the stock market high at all-time highs but they have done it before. We revisit the year 1995 which looks a lot like how 2024 might end up.

Tuesday, July 9

  • Our Analysis of Tesla Corporation Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA)

    • Across the last 30 years, we have refined our research process into a few simple metrics. In today’s HX Daily, we use our “Quantamental” approach to look at $TSLA stock with our short-term and intermediate-term view on the stock.

 Wednesday, July 10

  • George Soros and GameStop”

    • What do George Soros and GameStop Corporation have in common? Well - one of Soros’ most well known financial theories may have just saved the company! We explain.

Thursday, July 11

  • The Hidden Stock Market Bid”

    • The S&P 500 is up almost +750% since the stock market bottomed in March 2009. Over that time, the number of publicly traded stocks has shrunk by more than one-third. We explain how share buybacks and private equity have put a bid behind the stock market.

Friday, July 12

  • Revisiting the Year 2000 Bull Market”

    • Do you remember the stock “bull market” of 2000? Most people remember technology stocks being down -39% but they forget that the equal weight S&P 500 was +9%. We makes the comparisons between then and now in this issue of HX Daily.

HX Trader

Wednesday, July 10

  • Volume 1, Issue 23 - Building Some Profit

    • For this issue of HX Trader we recommend a leading company in an industry that impacts all of our lives. This long-term winner is on sale and we look to move into this opportunity.

Thursday, July 11

Friday, July 12

HX Income

Thursday, July 11

HX Podcast

Thursday, July 11

Have the last 15 months of the markets been leaving you feeling disinterested? HODL leaving you limp? YOLO leaving you flacid?

Well - we have the solution - the HX HARD MONEY PODCAST! It is back baby!

Join Enrique and Matt Saincome as they catch up on life, Tesla's driving you to Chick-Fil-A, Bitcoin and some crazy f*cking idea Matt has about an ugly Chinese fruit.

Have a great weekend!


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