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  • HX RESEARCH - Weekly Review

HX RESEARCH - Weekly Review

Week of May 6 - May 10

Hello HX Research Reader,

We hope you enjoyed this last week of our research.  Our goal is to give you market insight and actionable ideas to help make you money!

To read more about our story you can read our welcome message here.

This week we did something special! We spent the full week discussing bitcoin and our view that it could (will) reach a price of $100,000 and probably much higher.

In case you missed it, here is what we published this week.

HX Daily

  • “The Case for BITCOIN $100,000 – Part One”

  • In Part One, we discuss some of the history and basics of bitcoin and how the global “math” of demand and supply can drive the price higher.

  • “The Case for BITCOIN $100,000 – Part Two”

  • In Part Two, we explore what is happening in the country of Turkey and how we are seeing the use of bitcoin expand in a way that we have not (yet) seen in many other countries.

  • “The Case for BITCOIN $100,000 – Part Three”

  • In Part Three, we revisit a note we wrote back in 2021 when bitcoin (and the rest of crypto) first really hit the radar screen of most investors. Our game plan from back then still applies today…

  • “The Case for BITCOIN $100,000 – Part Four”

  • In one short note we go through the four thousand year history of gold and then the US dollar. Our very abridged history uncovers a simple insight that supports our thesis on bitcoin.

  • “The Case for BITCOIN $100,000 – Part Five”

  • For our last note on the subject, we explore the experiment that is happening in the country of El Salvador as they have adopted bitcoin as “legal tender”. Whether it works or not, it worth paying attention to it.

HX Trader

  • Volume 1 Issue 14 - Another Software Earnings Report Trading Opportunity

  • The volatility of the earnings season continues to give us some attractive trading opportunities. This week we share another one in the volatile software industry.

HX Podcast

  • The HX Podcast Ep12 - Herb Greenberg - Founder of Wall Street Beats

  • Enrique catches up with his old friend and colleague Herb Greenberg. They talk about the glory days of TheStreet.com, short-selling, Herb’s new (awesome) platform and some great common sense investing advice.

Have a great weekend!


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