STP User Blog 1

STP Algo Trader Vol. 1 Issue 3

Welcome to the first STP Algo Trader User Blog!

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Each week, we'll bring you a unique perspective from a team member or STP user, detailing how they use the platform to power their trading.

Our goal is to demonstrate Signal Trader Pro’s many use cases for everyday investors.

If you’d like to contribute a piece, please email us at [email protected] or just let us know in the WhatsApp! group.

Even if you just have an idea for a blog, we’d love to hear it.

Now, let’s dive into our premier issue, brought to you by our team member James Welch.

I’ve always been fascinated by investing but didn’t really become an “active” investor until one specific day in 2012. On May 18th of that year, the media juggernaut we now know as Meta held its initial public offering under its original name, Facebook.

At that time, I was working in Manhattan at one of the first pure-play social media agencies in the world called Big Fuel. At that agency, we specialized in onboarding BIG brands, like Samsung and General Motors, onto social media platforms. Back then brands were still new to social media and were desperate to access its potential.

Have you ever swum in the ocean and been surprised by the power of a wave, even though you saw it coming?

Well, that's how I felt after buying 100 shares of FB on the date of its IPO. I specifically left a great job in traditional advertising to work in social media because I saw the social media wave coming.

Still, like many, I was shocked at how powerful social media became and how quickly my initial investment grew.

Well, after that experience, I was hooked on investing!

Over the following years, I leveraged my professional digital media knowledge to make solid investments in Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and others. I was doing well on my own.

And then life intervened…

One spring day in 2014, I met the love of my life. We soon moved in together, planned a wedding, got married, moved again, and then had our first child in 2019.

Then COVID-19 hit in 2020, the financial markets and world froze. Then, we had another baby and moved to the burbs in 2022.

I used proceeds from my initial Facebook and other tech investments to make a down payment on our first house!

Wow! My life transformed so quickly. I went from cool urban professional to suburban dad in a flash.

A few other things have changed as well. First, as a husband and father of two, I've reined in my investing risks. Second, I can no longer dedicate massive amounts of time and energy to researching investments.

And quite frankly, this is why I love Signal Trader Pro.

I’ve returned to active investing with STP. I feel like it’s given me back the edge I had in my early social media career but without the 13-hour workdays and insider knowledge.

I’ve actively and successfully leveraged STP to make money since it launched. In fact, my new morning routine revolves around STP.

Each weekday, I get the wife and kids out the door. Next, at my desk with some coffee, I read financial news, check out the futures, open my trading account, and open the STP website.

I quickly review the previous day’s watchlists looking for anything I’m interested in that may signal soon. Next, I check my inbox for the daily email, review the new signals, and do some quick research on Schwab.

If I decide to invest in a new signal, I’ll typically bounce the idea off STP’s awesome WhatsApp! chat group. There’s nothing like some group feedback when making a big decision. Then I click buy…

All of this takes about 30 minutes.

Now, in the past, I’d only invest in tech, but STP has expanded my horizons. I mostly stick with the Bullseye signals, but now, I’m open to any sector and great signal.

For example, I’ve waited days for Walmart to move from the Watchlist to an active signal. That finally happened this morning!

I also really enjoy learning about new companies when they signal on STP.

A few weeks back, Axon Enterprise Inc. (AXON) signaled with a score of 14. I had zero idea what that company did. After some quick research, I learned that they make Tasers! How awesome is that? I bought some shares that morning.

The truth is, I never would have found AXON without Signal Trader Pro.

Similarly, I wouldn't have known that today was a great time to buy Walmart. I don't have the time or expertise…

This is where STP fits into my life. It’s now an invaluable tool in my investing arsenal. Honestly, I can’t imagine my day without it.

But I’m just one guy in an ocean of investors. Now that you’ve heard how I use Signal Trader Pro, we’d love to hear how you use it.

If you’d like to tell your story, please email us at [email protected] or hit us up in the WhatsApp! group.

Yours truly,



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