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HX Research - Weekly Review

Week of August 12 - August 16

Hello HX Research Reader,

We hope you enjoyed this last week of our research. Our goal is to give you market insight and actionable ideas to help make you money!

To read more about our story you can read our welcome message here.

We hope you got a chance to check out our content, but below is a summary in you case you missed anything…

HX Daily

Monday, August 12

  • “Hello Volatility!”

    • Last week saw the biggest LOSS and GAIN in the S&P 500 $SPY in the last two years. We discuss the volatility and our outlook on it.

Tuesday, August 13

  • “New Free Idea!”

    • Check out our new FREE IDEA! Our first FREE IDEA has made investors over 42% for investors since we recommended it in February.

Wednesday, August 14

  • “One of the Value Masters”

    • Every Wednesday in HX Daily we like to share the wisdom of a great investor from the past. We introduce you to one of Benjamin Graham’s disciples – Walter Schloss.

Thursday, August 15

  • “How to Use Moving Averages”

    • Recently we have received questions from many of our readers about the value of the MOVING AVERAGES. We share a piece we wrote awhile back going through our unique perspective on them.

Friday, August 16

  • “Is it Over for Snacks and Candy?”

    • We saw a major acquisition in the snack industry this week. Last year we wrote about how the markets take on the impact of the GLP-1 weight loss drugs on the food industry was very WRONG! We did the math and share it with you.

HX Trader

Wednesday, August 13

  • Position Update - Booking Profits

    • On the back of the ongoing correction, we stepped in with multiple buy recommendations. With the market having recovered much of its losses, we are now cashing in on 3 of those bets.

Wednesday, August 14

  • Volume 1, Issue 29 - A Prescription for Profits

    • Earlier this year in HX Trader we recommended a giant company that you have dealt with but likely had no idea existed. That idea produced an almost +7% in just 14 trading days. Today we recommend their main competitor in the same situation!

HX Income

Thursday, August 16

HX Podcast

Wait, what just happened? The market saw a big nosedive last week based on a couple of factors.

This week Enrique unpacks recent events. He'll explain the "Yen carry" that was upset by rate changes in Japan, and look a little closer at the data in and around the recent jobs report.

The volatility index is through the roof. Is the sky really falling? We don't think so. Here's why, and what to do now in this week's HXPodcast.

Have a great weekend!


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